Sunday, December 15, 2013

Boys' Nigth Out!

This weekend I was able to experience something interesting. After a long week of sitting in class, writing exams and listening to EU law I needed something to reboot my brain. The obvious method was going into the Limericks (Irish pub) and drinking beer until the small hours. Nevertheless, this time was different.

The idea struck me on Thursday-Friday night and it wasn't too hard to convince Rupi to join me. So after the Friday lectures I came home backed my skiing gear, sleeping bag and tent and headed up to Axamer Lizum. Snow wasn't that good but it was all about testing the tent and having a good exercise. The sky was clear and the moon was shining bright: Temperature was decline steadily and was just under zero when we reached the parking slot about 20 minutes past eight. It was almost full moon and therefor ascending didn't require headlamps.

We reached the valley in about one and half hours. My backpack felt so heavy that I wasn't able to keep up with Rupi (excuses?) There was absolutely no snow left from the snow showers few weeks back. We were able to build the tent rather easily without too much shovelling. After few photos and well deserved cans of beer we crawled into the sleeping bags and closed our eyes.

I haven't done overnight tours before and was surprised how well I was able to keep myself warm over night. Sadly it wasn't the case for Rupi... After few hours his sleeping bag was so wet that he had hard time sleeping when fighting the cold.

The moon looks like a sun! 

Around 5 am we decided to get going, stressed up and packed our skiing gear. The moon had gone into hiding and it was way more darker than the evening and so BEAUTIFUL. I am not sure if the night was some special occasion but I saw more than ten shooting stars passing by the atmosphere.
Our master plan was to hike up the massive coulair we skied last year but due to the amount of rocks and sharks we decided to go for the safer option. We had few hours before the sunrise thus we didn't need to hurry anywhere. The route up was one of the most uncomfortable once I have done: There was rocks everywhere. We reached the top early and waited for the sunrise which was a slight disappointment. Even so, it felt rather good to be up there waiting for the first lights to ski down.

Skiing itself was the worst this season but we didn't care. We got what we came for: a good exercise and especially an experience. Around 8 am we reached the tent, collected our equipment and head home. As we skied down the lifts were just opening and it felt weird to be heading home when all the others were excited to head up to the mountain. In conclusion, we had so much fun and learned valuable lessons for the coming trips!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Skiing in the Dark!

It is ridiculous how quickly I lose interest in skiing if the snow is bad. This time it happened in Obergurgl: After the first run on the concrete packed snow I was ready to quit. "I will go to sleep in the car - this sucks." Luckily my skiing partners were able to convince me to continue for few more runs. It is kind of scary that I am already so spoiled even before the real winter...

In the end, we were able to find few excellent runs! Skiing untracked snow under the sun is something different. The bluebird does somehow enhance the experience of skiing. Doing few good in perfect light turned were able to cheer me up to another level! What caught me off-guard was the amount of sharks hidden under the first layer of snow. My skis took a real beating: The another ski lost 3cm*20cm are of base... Time for another day in the workshop.

Few days after Obergurgl I was playing around with my computer when Rupi suggested if we should go for a night tour. After few seconds of processing and stressing up I was picked up Rupi and we were heading to Axamer Lizum. 

It was DARK and I mean dark but so beautiful. The whole sensation was something I haven't had for such a long time: Absolute silence, clear skies and stars sparkling. The experience sucks all the negative energy out and leaves you in a peaceful state of mind. This is what I miss from living back in Northern-Finland. 

Friday, November 29, 2013

Hiking in the mist!

Mid-November has been as epic as last year. Only this week I have had three amazing ski days! First few days in Stubai and the climax of the week; first hike of the season in Kaunertal. The second day in Stubai was incredible deep. It proved my opinion of chest mount for GoPro faulty: there is no point filming when 60% of the time the camera is under snow. My new favorite is using the ventilation mount on backpack's shoulder pads!

Wednesday morning was one of the most foggiest drives up to a glacier I have had. Luckily most of the clouds were down in the valley and there was some visibility above 2000meters. Snow wasn't extremely fresh but we were still able to score some good lines. All in all, another great early season day!

Friday morning I wasn't expecting anything special - 10 cm of new snow at max. Yet again I was wrong, there was at least 30cm of fresh snow - Faceshots one after another. So much snow has its way of reminding you to not get too excited. Luckily the small mistakes done were not fatal, even though they left us with a scratched butt and a swollen knee.

Saturday was my first day in Kaunertal. The area has some really interesting terrain! Many accessible coulairs and other interesting lines. I was skiing with my Danish friend Martin and he completely crushed me. I have never felt so slow in my life. The first boot back was easy 10minutes for a great coulair with superb snow! (See video) The second line took us - or to be honest me - about 2 hours. And I have to say it was an interesting adventure. If I had known the terrain better I might have done different route choices! Nevertheless, it ended up to be a great peek into what the season is going to be all about!

A short and rough edit of the early season skiing! More and higher quality coming later this season!

- Pave

Friday, November 1, 2013

There is always something good about something bad!

The day started early.... apparently not early enough. Leaving Innsbruck with expectations of tracked runs and hard snow the first hurdle we met was lines. When I say lines I mean really long lines. The kind of line that even impresses the lift personnel.  People pushing forward where no way could be made shouting and muttering under their breaths in various languages the mood was low to start with. There is something completely European in the idea that to get ones own child in a gondola 3 minutes earlier, so that they can practice their shitty slalom technique, parents are willing to push 8-year-olds against concrete walls. These situations reminds me why I prefer to tour and be in the middle of nowhere, instead of being exposed to the absolute disregard of common courtesy that I witnessed today.

Skiing tracked snow makes me grumpy - there seems to be no explanation for the reason why. The guys have given me a motto: "If it's not over 20cm. I'm not into it." Thinking rationally, it is excellent exercise to ski bumps and avoid sharks. Ones brain has to focus way more on the terrain which in turn trains the "skier's eye." In addition, no matter what we do the society is pushing us more and more into communistic thinking. There is less room for being creative. Skiing in tracked conditions forces us to be innovative, to search for lines or even for small bumps to launch off from.

The funny thing is that when one is forced to be creative in order to have fun with enough effort and commitment forces us as skiers to find "fun" in the little things. That is what we did today, took all the bad and played with it till it became fun. We go skiing because we love it, days like today solidify that even skiing on rocks and bumped out snow, we at heart are skiers and what skiers do is ski. Its still early in the season and the days of sliding on snow that we are gifted now are a bonus to what is coming. I think that I learned a lot about being grateful for the little things. Three turns in crud are better then no turns at all.

It is a gift to be able to spend time with people who share the same feelings and opinions. That is the reason we will always be singing while booting up for a spot and smiling for the camera on the way home!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Season Opening 1314

The season officially starts when you are fitting your feet into the size too small boots, and feeling how the blood circulation is slightly blocked. All the way to the top you are just cursing and wondering how long you can take the pain. At the vantage point stepping into the snow is a small relief, but it won't obliterate all the unpleasantness. Same goes for the unstrapping of the skis and for stepping into the bindings. Every step of the rite builds up the momentum. The ceremony is finalized by positioning the goggles and tapping the poles together. Lust and passion take over, and all the aches disappear. Simultaneously, every single negative thought and feeling vanish. There is no stress, no weight on your shoulders. Freedom.

Freedom is what makes skiing so desirable. Skiing in itself is the elixir for all the pain and suffering that comes from being a skier A reason for working through the whole summer to build the possibilities to ski as much as possible during as soon as the snow falls.

This year we were able to cruise the first turns already in mid October! The season opened with an unbelievable dumb of 70-80cm! The snow level was so lower than expected and cruising up the mountain on summer tires worked as a wakening.

Kaunertal opening happened the same day and instead of joining the masses we decided to go for Pitztal. Rigth choice! The parking place was occupied only by few dozens of vehicles. It was entertaining to watch how the Germans were slip and sliding all over the snow. I guess there is an advantage for spending most of your first driving hours on the snow-covered roads avoiding reindeer's.

The only way to describe the first two runs of the season is: Faceshots in October!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Summer Break!

Summer vacation over!

First of all, my initial plan was to produce content thru out the summer. I failed. Luckily, it doesn't mean I had a shitty summer. Right after the last exams I headed to Finland and ended up spending all three months there. First time since the beginning of this millennium I exploited my parent by eating their wood and sleeping under their roof for more than few weeks. It was re-freshening.

I have to admit that the first week back in Innsbruck has been especially hard: I have had to cook by myself, do my laundry and all the other home chores. Therefore, as I know that you are my most loyal readers, Mum and Dad, thank you for all the support and everything you have done for me the last 25 years! I don't say it too often, but I love you! 

My summer went past really fast: Meeting all my old buddies, working and enjoying life. Fortunately, I was able to find a job at a local store where met an amazing group of co-workers. I devoted loads of my time for learning windsurfing, and I believe that I have found the sport to replace skiing during summers. The feeling during those short periods of planing equal to the one you have during cruising the gnarliest lines. You know you are in control, but you might lose it any moment. 

For the rest of it I will just share few photos and let them explain my state of mind.

Special moments at the wedding of my good friends!

Learning from error: Do not release the boom when you crash

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chasing the tail of the winter!

When standing on my balcony, I see green grass; trees sprouting new leaves; kids playing around in summer gear and mountain tops still covered in the white substance we call snow. Every morning the snow levels draws higher up. This is what I love about Austria and Innsbruck. Only few days back I was on a bike ride wearing merely short bibs and a long-sleeved shirt and just a day after I was doing reverse snow angels in Stubai's -9 celsius.

We started at 7 a.m. and took the lift up at eight. It is always nice to be so early in Stubai that you can park the car close to the base station. The weather wasn't looking too good or at least that's what we thought as the fog was closing all the visibility down at the valley. I was definitely ready to give up when we sat into the first chair lift. There was no visibility and everything we could see didn't look that exciting. Happily, as we reached the top sun showed her powers. The clouds started to crack, and we gained our eyes back.

After few disappointing runs, the day turned out to be just fine. Swimming with the sharks was surprisingly fun. Those small rocks added some excitement to the skiing as the snow itself wasn't giving the normal joy. The thing I am not happy with is the feeling of my skiing when the snow is not good: apparently, my skiing does look ok, but I just feel like a monkey. My outer ski is not holding its place as it should, and I am not pushing my hips into the mountain as much as I would want to. Well, I guess skiing off piste is not supposed to feel like being between GS gates.   

Parvekkeella istuessa ei voi olla huomaamatta, että ruoho alkaa vihertää, puut tuottavat  uusia silmuja ja kakarat leikkivät kesäissä vaatteissa. Samalla vilkaisulla taustalla kohoavat, yhä ohuen lumikerroksen peittämät, huiput. Joka päivä lumiraja vetäytyy sentti sentiltä ja metri metriltä korkeamalle. Hienointa Innsbruckissa onkin Suomen susikelien puuttuminen. Pari päivää takapärin avasin maantiepyörä-kauden ainoastaan lyhyissä pyörä bibeissä ja pitkähihaisella paidalla. Heti seuraavana päivänä jäädytin nenäni Stubain -9 asteen lämmössä tehden lumienkeleitä kasvot lumeen päin.

Lumirajan pakeneminen tarkoittaa myös aikaisempia aamuja. Tänään lähtö koitti aamu seitsemältä ja ensimäisessä hississä istuttiin jo kasilta. Normaalisti auton on joutunut jättämään bussimatkan päähän hisseistä, mutta tänään edessä oli vaan lyhyt kävely ala-asemalle. Keli ei näyttänyt niin houkuttelevalta. Vuoria peitti ikävä sumukerros tai oikeastaan pilvet, jotka olivat laskeutuneet yllättävän alas. Olin täysin valmis kääntymään takais ja palaamaan lämpimään peiton alle, kun istuimme ensimäiseen tuolihissiin. Näkyvyys oli käytännössä nolla ja kaikki mitä sumun läpi sattui näkemään vaikutti puhki lasketulta ja möykkyiseltä. Muutamassa minuutissa keli vaihtui täysin: Aurinko porotti pilvien takaa niin lämpimästi, että ohuet pilvet alkoivat rakoilla ja lopulta valoa riittä vallan mainiosti, kunhan ei laskenut tiivimmän pilviverhon alapuolelle.

Muutaman laskun jälkeen päälimmäisenä ajatuksena oli pettymys, mutta lopulta päivä osoittautuikin todella mukavaksi. Kivien keskellä laskeminen tuotti omaa mielenkiintoaan, sillä kaikki käännökset täytyi ajoittaa niin, että ei osunut, teräviin, lumen alta pilkottaviin ansoihin. Lumi itsessään ei tuottanut mitään äärimäistä iloa. Taas kerran, heti kun lumi oli huonoa, tuntemukset omasta laskemisestani olivat enintään keskinkertaisia. Ilmeisesti kaikki näyttää melko tasaiselta ja vahvalta, mutta oma fiilis on kuin haavoittuneella karhulla. Ulkosuksi ei pysy kurissa ja lantio pönöttää täysin suksien päällä. Ehkä offareiden laskemisen ei kuulukkaan tuntua samalta kuin SP-porttien välissä poukkoilun.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Getting fit

Somedays it is just nice to throw you skis in to the car and drive to the most distant and peaceful location you know. No stress about the snow you are going to ski and focus in getting your fat ass in to shape for next winter. Rofan was the the perfect place for this. Compared to the day before in Stubai when the parking slot was packed with cars and having to wait for lifts, Rofan was the same as before. It seems easter doesn't affect their business too much. The first gondola in the morning had about 10 people - mainly groups of touring people going to enjoy the sun.

Aina joskus on yllättävän mukavaa vaan heittää kamat autoon, startata kärry ja suunnata jonnekkin, missä pääsee hetkeksi pois arjen keskeltä. Jonnekkin turisteiden karttamaan, rauhalliseen ja kauniiseen paikkaan. Ainoana tarkoituksena nauttia luonnosta ja laittaa läski liikkumaan, jotta ensi talvena pystyisi keskittymään vain hiihtämiseen, eikä siihen ainaiseen tyttöilyyn väsymyksestä tai jostain muusta vastaavasta. Tällä kertaa valinta oli helppo: Rofan. Verrattuna edelliseen päivään Stubaissa, jolloin parkkipaikat olivat viimeistä myöden täynnä - Rofaniin pääsiäisen lomat eivät tuntuneet vaikuttavan. Ensimäiseen gondolaan ahtautui meidän lisäksemme noin kymmenen yli 50 vuotiasta auringonpalvojaa, jotka lähinnä ihmettelivät, miksi kukaan haluaisi laittaa touring siteet noin järkyttäviin suksiin.

What made this day more special than normal days was that Bernie was BACK! I was extremely stoked about the fact that my partner in crime was back in action. Instead of giving him the easy start I decided it was time to make him feel like he would need to train like a maniac to catch up for the time he lost due to the injury. So we started touring up and I was pushing it as hard as I could without getting caught. Tiny bit longer steps that usually -Not that many pauses between. I think I managed pretty good until 45mins or so, but eventually Bernie noticed.

Tästä päivästä loistavan teki se fakta, että Bernie palasi vahvuuteen! Täytyy sanoa, että rikoskumppanin paluu oli kovasti odotettu. Se tarkoittaisi automaattisesti sitä, että myös allekirjoittaneen laskupäivien määrä nousisi. Sen sijaan, että olisin antanut kaverille helpon päivän totutella taas skinnailuun, päätin olla reilu ja puskea ylöspäin huomattavasti kovempaa kuin normaalisti. Eikös se ole perus Suomalainen mentaliteetti, että kaverille lyödään luukurkkuun heti, kun siihen saa mahdollisuuden. Jokaiselle askeleella yritin liuttaa suksia vähän pidempään kuin normaalisti, samalla pienten stoppien määrä putosi puoleen normaalista. Haastavaa tästä teki sen, että Bernie ei missään nimessä saanut huomata, mitä olin tekemässä. Suoriuduin yllättävän hyvin vajaan tunnin, jonka jälkeen pienen epäilyksen saattelemana paljastin totuuden.

As the winter is drawing to its end I feel like my posts are becoming less interesting. I felt like this topic is a good opportunity include something other than just skiing. When talking about me, of course everything is related to skiing in one way or another.  This summer is going to consist of loads of gym and biking so when the first snowflakes of the next season fall - I can focus more into the way I ski than how my legs feel.

Kausi alkaa pikkuhiljaa lähestyä loppuaan ja samaan tahtiin, kun lumet sulaa, blogin tekstien määrä ja laatu vähenee. Tämä otsake vaikutti hyvältä mahdollisuudelta integroida vähän sisältöä myös kesän ajaksi. Jotain muutakin, kuin pelkästään laskemista. Omalla kohdallani kaikki joltain osin liittyy hiihtämiseen tavalla tai toisella, mutta yritetään saada kesäksikin jotain kirjoitettavaa! Ensi kesä tulee pääosin koostumaan puntista ja pyöräilystä. Tavoitteena on olla sellaisessa kunnossa, että kun se ensimäinen lumihiutale satelee ensi kauden alussa, mies pystyy keskittymään vain ja ainoastaan siihen miltä hiihtäminen näyttää.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It is spring time!

This Thursday was definitely a day with mixed feelings. I have always had the talent to forget gear home but this time was the lowest point YET. Over the years I have built a routine by counting the equipment I have with me before leaving the door: Skis, boots, gloves, helmet, goggles. ... Now it seems necessary to add the jacket to that list. Stubai was rocking solid -10 degrees and it was really windy. As I noticed the missing jacket just before we got to Stubai with Rupi, there was no point turning back. Afterwards I do not regret the decision to buy a soft-shell from then winter sale.

Tämän viikon torstai oli yksi niistä päivistä, että ei oikein tiedä mitä jäi käteen. Minulla on aina ollut kyky unohtaa kamoja himaan. Milloin skinit, piippari, hanskat tai lasit. Tällä kertaa sukellettiin suht syvälle. Vuosien varrella on syntynyt tapa listata kaikki tarpeelliset kamat ennen kuin lyön oven kiinni takanani: sukset, sauvat, monot, lasit, jne... Jatkossa täytyy muistaa lisätä listalle myös takki. Kaiken lisäksi järkeily: "Siellä on aika lämmin--En taida pakata primaloftia ollenkaan mukaan," kruunasi päivän. Stubaissa sopivat kymmenen pakkasta räväkän viiman lisätettä chill-factoria. Jälkeen päin ei harmita yhtään alesta poistamani softshell-takki.

Skiing was surprisingly good. The snow didn't really have the expected crusty layer from the sun and due to the cold temperature it had stayed "fresh." Everything looked so much different compared to the last visit in november. Skiing the same lines that we started the season with makes one feel good. Suddenly steeper places are not so steep and the mind is able to map more and more possible routes downwards.

Hiihtäminen oli positiivinen yllätys. Sitä odotettua korppua ei löytynyt kuin muutamasta paikasta ja kaiken lisäksi kylmähkö ilma oli säilyttänyt lumen tuoreena. Stubai itsettään vaikutti täysin vieraalta verrattuna viimeiseen tapaamiseen marraskuussa. Kauden avanneiden linjojen hiithämisestä jää aina loistava fiilis. Jyrkät paikat ei tunnukkaan enään niin jyrkiltä ja pää onnistuu löytämään kourallisen uusia linjoja samoista kohteista.

Why did the day leave me hanging with mixed feelings? The legendary "last run" which we never ski was one of the sketchiest runs of my life. We found this huge area on the backside with an long exit all the way to the parking slot. On the first cycle we saw this short, un-tracked shoot and decided to ski it. The face looked steeper than we had imagined when standing at the entrance. I volunteered to take a photo from the rocks above. While walking to the spot to take the photo I was feeling the snow and digging small holes to feel the layers. Adding the experience from the earlier, figuring out that the run wasn't totally sun exposed and that the layers felt solid together and the decision to run was made. Rupi dropped in did few turns hit the photo-turn and then I saw one of the most shocking images as the snow  cracked all around him. The few seconds Rupi was in my blindspot is one of the longest moments ever. Then again seeing him straight lining out of the bottom was one of the happiest moments for such a long time. This fellow show some big-ass-balls on that move. To be able to keep his cool face the skis down and explode out of the moving snow is one of the reasons I love the group we are skiing in.
Afterwards I do feel comfortable saying that we didn't do anything wrong. The judgement was wrong but we are just humans.

Syy siihen, että tämä päivä jätti niin erikoisen fiiliksen syntyi sillä kuuluissa viimeisellä vedolla, mitä me ei koskaan hiihdetä. Löydettiin hieno alue Stubain "freeride-hissin" sivupuolelta. Pitkä runi, joka päätyi kolmesta tonnista aina pohjille alle kahteen tonniin. Ensimäisellä kierrolla nähtiin hauskan-näköinein, koskematon pätkä vähän jyrkempää linjaa parin kiven välissä ja lukittiin valinta seuraavalle kierrokselle. Koko pätkä olikin huomattavasti odotettua jyrkempi ylhäältä katsottua - loistavaa! Ilmottauduin vapaaehtoiseksi nappaamaan kuvan viereisiltä kiviltä ja kävellessäni kuvauspaikalle kaivelin pieniä reikiä tunnustellen lumen kerroksia. Yhdistäessä päivän aikaisemmat vedot, faktan, että pätkä ei ollut täysin auringon alla ja että, kerrokset vaikuttivat vakailta: päätös laskea oli tehty. Rupin tehtyä ensimäiset käännökset ja osuttua ruutun näin yhden järkyttävimmistä kuvista lasku-urani aikana: Alue rupin ympäriltä murtui ja lumi lähti juoksemaan niin hänen edestään kuin takaa. Ne muutama sekunti, jotka Rupi oli minun silmieni näkemättömissä tuntuivat iäisyydeltä. Samalla se fiilis kun näin kaverin laskevan jäätävää kyytiä pois alta, oli varmasti yksi onnellisimmista hetkistä pitkään aikaan. Äijjä näytti omistavansa aivan jäätävää asennetta pystyessään säilyttämään malttinsa ja puskemaan sukset oikeaan suuntaan. Tälläinen reaktio on yksi niistä syistä miksi rakastan hiihtämistä meidän pienellä porukalla. Kaikki pystyvät suoriutumaan tarvittaessa, jos jotain menee pieleen. Jälkikäteen pystyn hyvällä omalla tunnolla sanomaan, että kaikki meni niinkuin pitikin. Päätös oli väärä, mutta se pohjautui faktoihin, joita lukemalla kaikki vaikutti hyvältä.


Telemarking, why is it so hard?

Telemarking is something I seriously want to be better at. It is the discipline that looks perfect when performed well. I haven't really been able to comprehend the feeling behind telemarking. In a way it feels like surfing - more relaxed and smoother than skiing. I skied the first day on my Enforcers with R8's last Wednesday since two years. In conclusion, I definitely need to do it more often. Even thought I am not able to use the skis as I would like to it has a calming effect on my head. The fact that I cannot push the ski as intense as I do with alpine bindings gives me time to think more. In addition it is excellent training for my legs.

Telemark on laji, jota olisi aivan älyttömän hieno oppia. Kaiken kaikkiaan, telluttaminen on yksi kaikkien aikojen kauneimmista urheilumuodoista. Kadehdin kaikkia, jotka lajia kunnolla taitavat. Se uskomaton esteettisyys, pehmeys ja rentous seuratessa kyseisiä kavereita vie euforiaan. Amatöörinäkin pystyn tuntemaan aivan uudenlaisia fiiliksiä käännösten onnistuessa. Ensimäinen päivä Enforcer-R8-tellusetillä pariin vuoteen oli älyttömän hauskaa! Aivan varmasti täytyy ensi kaudella yrittää panostaa enemmän myös tähän norjalaisten  suureen lahjaan laskettelulle.

The day itself was a lot of fun. Skiing with the students from the uni was great. The good thing about having such a small group of people in our class makes it possible to bond a bit more than usually and to build the team spirit higher. Even for me, who still has a long way to go to become a real team worker, it is possible. 

Päivästä teki tämän lisäksi onnistuneen myös loistava seura. Yliopiston porukan kanssa hengailu rinteessä oli mukavaa. Meidän ryhmässä on vain kolmisenkymmentä opiskelijaa, joten tälläisten päivien järjestäminen ja ryhmähengen kasvattaminen on huomattavasti helpompaa, kuin normaaleissa 200 hengen luentoporukoissa.

Sadly the day ended in an accident as our junior, Matt crashed with his snowboard and broke his collarbone. All the best and quick recovery m8!

Valitettavasti päivän päätös oli vähän tylsä: Meidän porukan juniori Matt veti pannut lumilaudallaan ja mursi solisluunsa. Pikaisia paranemisia.

Some extra:
Look what I saw at work last weekend! Some downhill-enthusiastic walked in to the store with these 303cm skis. He had a suitcase full of pictures and plans about breaking the speed world record! I definitely wait forward to hearing more about this guy!

Tuli töissä viikonloppuna vastaan mielenkiintoset skimbat! Joku Tsekkiläinen downhill-friikki käveli ovesta sisään tollaset 303cm pitkät sukset olalla. Kaverilla oli mukanaan laukullinen kuvia ja suunnitelmia, siitä kuinka rikotaan nopeuden maailmanennätys suksilla. Jännityksellä venaillaan, mitä tästä kaverista kuuluu myöhemmin.