Monday, October 21, 2013

Season Opening 1314

The season officially starts when you are fitting your feet into the size too small boots, and feeling how the blood circulation is slightly blocked. All the way to the top you are just cursing and wondering how long you can take the pain. At the vantage point stepping into the snow is a small relief, but it won't obliterate all the unpleasantness. Same goes for the unstrapping of the skis and for stepping into the bindings. Every step of the rite builds up the momentum. The ceremony is finalized by positioning the goggles and tapping the poles together. Lust and passion take over, and all the aches disappear. Simultaneously, every single negative thought and feeling vanish. There is no stress, no weight on your shoulders. Freedom.

Freedom is what makes skiing so desirable. Skiing in itself is the elixir for all the pain and suffering that comes from being a skier A reason for working through the whole summer to build the possibilities to ski as much as possible during as soon as the snow falls.

This year we were able to cruise the first turns already in mid October! The season opened with an unbelievable dumb of 70-80cm! The snow level was so lower than expected and cruising up the mountain on summer tires worked as a wakening.

Kaunertal opening happened the same day and instead of joining the masses we decided to go for Pitztal. Rigth choice! The parking place was occupied only by few dozens of vehicles. It was entertaining to watch how the Germans were slip and sliding all over the snow. I guess there is an advantage for spending most of your first driving hours on the snow-covered roads avoiding reindeer's.

The only way to describe the first two runs of the season is: Faceshots in October!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Summer Break!

Summer vacation over!

First of all, my initial plan was to produce content thru out the summer. I failed. Luckily, it doesn't mean I had a shitty summer. Right after the last exams I headed to Finland and ended up spending all three months there. First time since the beginning of this millennium I exploited my parent by eating their wood and sleeping under their roof for more than few weeks. It was re-freshening.

I have to admit that the first week back in Innsbruck has been especially hard: I have had to cook by myself, do my laundry and all the other home chores. Therefore, as I know that you are my most loyal readers, Mum and Dad, thank you for all the support and everything you have done for me the last 25 years! I don't say it too often, but I love you! 

My summer went past really fast: Meeting all my old buddies, working and enjoying life. Fortunately, I was able to find a job at a local store where met an amazing group of co-workers. I devoted loads of my time for learning windsurfing, and I believe that I have found the sport to replace skiing during summers. The feeling during those short periods of planing equal to the one you have during cruising the gnarliest lines. You know you are in control, but you might lose it any moment. 

For the rest of it I will just share few photos and let them explain my state of mind.

Special moments at the wedding of my good friends!

Learning from error: Do not release the boom when you crash